Friday, September 27, 2024

Part 3: Thoroughly Modern Through-Lots

This is Part 3 in a series. If you haven't already, you can check out Part 1 in "Rumble on Craven Row," and Part 2 in "How About a Craven Row Challenge?"

Gorgeously retro 1970s illustration of a "through lot" from the Peotone, Illinois, Code of Ordinances

At the Sept. 25 Toronto & East York Community Council meeting, Councillor Fletcher proposed and passed a motion for "Allowing Time for a Thorough Review": 

"The direction from City Council at its July 2024 meeting on PH14.13 has generated much interest and attention. City Planning were initially directed to report to the October 24th meeting of Toronto and East York Community Council.  However after the community consultation meeting on September 19th a number of important issues were raised that require additional consideration in the report. 

"Reporting to the October 24th meeting of TEYCC will simply not allow for an in-depth analysis of all the information that has been raised in the short time since that meeting.  This would also allow for City Staff to meet with residents of Craven Road and Parkmount Road." (h/t Matt Elliott)

It's especially good to see they're taking time to consider:

"a. previous public consultation on Garden Suites or Laneway Suites on through lots during the statutory consultations on those by-law amendments;

"b. internal City Planning guidance and interpretation of the Garden Suite and Laneway Suite By-law, including at the Committee of Adjustment; …

"d. any potential modifications to the Zoning By-law to better integrate garden suites onto Craven Road; 

"e. appropriate setbacks for Garden Suites from Craven Road; and

"f. impacts, if any, of any changes to other areas of the City."

That sounds like at least two major concerns raised at the Sept. 19 community consultation will get proper consideration: the belief that studies should have been done beforehand, and the slippery-slope argument that if this is granted, every street in Toronto will be able to claim an exemption. 

Those who claimed the whole thing was a waste of City staff’s time might be less happy, but if this process gives better guidance on through-lots, its benefits will extend to the city as a whole. 

Through-lot cases are rare enough (0.002 or 0.003 of all lots in the city – see the update below) that exemptions for them shouldn't create a slippery slope, and it's important to figure out a reasonable solution now, before the first garden suite is built on the west side of Craven Road and sets a precedent by default.

Setback seems to be a key question:
  1. Should the setback be 4.5 to 6.0 metres, as it is for almost all new houses throughout Toronto? (For garden suites where there is a parking space with access from the rear lot line, it's 6.0 metres.) 

  2. Should it be 1.5 metres, as it is when a garden suite is "landlocked" and has no access to a road at all? 

  3. Should Parkmount residents be able to claim that by incorporating a pre-existing garage right on the lot line, they can build with a setback of 0 metres (as was argued in this case)? 
Or should a new guideline be set for through-lots (also known as "double frontage lots") like the ones backing/fronting onto Craven Road? This option seems especially appropriate, given that the current bylaw says:

"if [the garden suite] is on a through lot, and a residential building on an adjacent lot fronts on the street that abuts the rear lot line of the through lot, the required minimum rear yard setback for the… garden suite is equal to the required minimum front yard setback for the residential building on the adjacent lot."

This passage seems to indicate an understanding that a garden suite in a Parkmount "rear yard" is, effectively, also a house with a "front yard" on Craven. 

There are no houses fronting on the west side of Craven… yet. But as soon as a garden suite is built at the back of a Parkmount through-lot, there will be. That house's front yard setback would then presumably set the mark for "adjacent lots" as described above. And those would then set the mark for lots next to them, and so on down the row, like dominoes. 

The interpretation and implications of the bylaw's phrase "required minimum front yard setback" seem awfully important here. 

Councillor Fletcher and City Planning deserve our thanks for taking the time to think through these thorny through-lots thoroughly. 


Update October 10th: 

In tonight's City Council meeting, starting at the 49:50 mark, Councillor Fletcher asks Chief Planner Kyle Knoeck how many through-lots there are in the city. 

He estimates "between 600 and 700 through-lots in the in the Toronto and East York district," out of a few hundred thousand lots total. (This makes roughly .002 or .003 of all lots.)

Roughly 125 of those 600 lots back onto Craven Road, all the way from Danforth to Queen, of which 50 are in the two-block stretch above the railway tracks where no fence separates them from Craven. 

Agreeing that this is a very uncommon situation, Chief Planner Knoeck said that a review "will allow us to bring forward an evidence-based recommendation on whether there should be any changes to the garden suites bylaw in that very local area."

The motion "Allowing Time for a Thorough Review" passed 17-3. 

This is a positive development, aimed not at removing permissions altogether, but making modifications when building garden suites on these rare lots that back onto city streets, rather than onto alleyways or other backyards. 

Putting conversation with residents on Parkmount and Craven at its core, this review has a good chance to find solutions that will address hopes and fears on both sides of the street.


Take a Hike

If all that legalese has you gasping for fresh air, join Johnny Strides on a walk up Craven Road, "Toronto's Most Unique Residential Street?

(This is cued up to 28:20 where he reaches the south end of upper Craven, the subject of the current dispute. To see the lower stretch from Queen Street to the train tracks, you can rewind to the 04:25 mark.)

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Part 2: How About a Craven Row Challenge?

What if...

...we can turn conflict into creativity?

...we can turn ire into innovation?

...we can turn a seemingly zero-sum problem into the potential for improving all stakeholders’ lives together?

(This is Part 2 in a series. If you haven't already, you can check out Part 1 in "Rumble on Craven Row," and Part 3 in "Thoroughly Modern Through-Lots.")

The City of Toronto is looking into removing approval for garden suites from Parkmount Road lots backing onto Craven Road, and Parkmounters are quite understandably Not Happy About It.

(Cravenites, in turn, were Not Happy About the prospect of fighting 2001 monolith boxes in Committee of Adjustment hearings for the next decade, which is how we got here in the first place.)

2001: A Space Odyssey

I'm not an architect. I come from a theatre directing background, and as an academic, I research how the dramatic arts can help us understand and seek resolutions to conflict, especially on social media, where algorithms milk our outrage for profit. (TikTok’s wrapped its talons around this issue already.) 

But as an educator, I know a creative learning opportunity when I see one.

Craven Road is well known in architecture circles as the home of Shim Sutcliffe Architects' Craven Road House (1994), a low-budget experimental project that won the Governor General’s Medal and was recently given a City of Toronto heritage designation

Sixteen years later, Linebox Studios designed a temple to minimalism on the site of a former drug lab with Mini Craven (2010). 

And a decade after that, Anya Moryoussef's Craven Road Cottage (2021) was hailed as a groundbreaking way to "respect the street’s vernacular fabric and cultural history, while reimagining the worker’s cottage typology." The Globe and Mail called it "A simple idea, constructed with ordinary building materials — but a beautiful idea that’s executed beautifully."

Craven Road Cottage, Anya Moryoussef Architect

It feels like there might be something in the water.

So what I'm wondering is: inspired by the sparks of genius in individual houses on Craven Road, as well as by the build-it-yourself history behind that worker's cottage vernacular, what if we created a Craven Row Challenge in which architecture students can consult with the community, then envision a suite of new designs for garden suites that reinvent and revitalize the neighbourhood for everyone?

Parkmount owners could have access to high-quality architectural ideas and plans that fit within City bylaw requirements, reassured in the knowledge that these designs have been pre-approved by the Craven residents across their back lot line. 

Craven residents could feel more positively included and respected in the planning that affects them, and might be more willing to trade the vista of tumbledown garages currently lining the street for a row of new mini-homes whose proportions and design lift the spirit rather than oppressing it. 

Google Street View

I'm imagining a name like "Craven Row Challenge" because it's not just about designing one garden suite – there's a whole row two blocks long on the west side of the street with the potential for neighbour-friendly densification. But we could also call it Parkmount Brainstorm. Or West Side Rodeo. What about Garden Suite Jam? No, wait – Backyard Hackathon! (Or maybe it's best to let the participants themselves come up with something they won't cringe to put on their CV.)

Having young architects shine their light into this vale of shadow could ease tensions on a street currently clenched with conflict. It could also provide a showcase of the most innovative architectural thinking for energy efficiency and sustainable, affordable materials, keeping building costs low enough that owners might keep their rents affordable in turn. (We can always hope.)

Students' work could even inspire a local equivalent of western Toronto's Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines, while giving them experience in community consultation on a high-visibility urban issue. 

And as a younger generation partnering with their elders, they could inspire the whole city with their vision of a future we’d all enjoy living in.  

Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines, p12

Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines, p12

Toronto has at least two university architecture schools that I know of, at Toronto Metropolitan University and U of T – not to mention their respective School of Urban and Regional Planning and Department of Geography and Planning. But there's no reason a southern Ontario architecture program like UWaterloo or Carleton, or even schools farther afield, couldn't be provided with a virtual tour and a brief that could make up for not being able to walk down the road and soak it up in person. 

I love the idea of a street party for the final exhibition, with designs displayed in front of the actual sites they're responding to, inviting residents of both streets to mingle and imagine as they stroll down Ingenuity Lane. Think of it as a Jane's Walk into the future.


Is all this just a pile of Pollyanna? 

Or is there something to it?

What if...?


Part 1: Rumble on Craven Row

It's been eight years since my last post here in On Craven Road. 😳

I actually thought I'd come to the end of this particular adventure. There were still a few drafts in my folder, including one called "Privy to History," on the newfangled water closet's war on typhoid, and another, "The Seedy Side of the Street," inspired by the 2009 meth lab fire and earlier examples of our ex-Erie Terrace breaking bad. But overall, I had the feeling I'd found and blogged about most of the street's most interesting history.

And then came the garden suite rumble.

Good fences make good neighbours, but unlike lower Craven, the stretch above the railway tracks did not go through the arduous process of taxation, expropriation and widening that led in 1916 to the south side's famously epic wooden fence

So now, the people on either side of upper Craven are at odds over whether the City of Toronto's new 2022 zoning by-law should allow garden suites in Parkmount back yards that front onto Craven Road.

This week, both CityTV and CBC News published articles with accompanying video about the conflict. The CBC writes, 

"Residents who have properties next to one of Toronto's narrowest streets say they're disappointed to learn the city is looking to amend local zoning by-law to disallow garden suites. 

"Craven Road near Coxwell Station is about four metres wide. On one side are tiny historical homes built in the early 20th century and on the other, the backyards and garages of Parkmount Road homes. 

"Garden suites are 'a self-contained living accommodation located within an ancillary building, usually located in the rear yard, but not on a public lane,' the city says on its website. 

"But local councillor Paula Fletcher has introduced the motion asking city staff to review the area. She says Craven Road is too narrow and doesn't fit the criteria of the city's garden suite bylaw which was intended to accommodate "garden-to-garden" residences, where garden suites situated in backyards face other backyard residences. 

"'Sometimes the city staff make a mistake,' she said. 'In this case, 99 per cent was right. This might be the outlier — .01 per cent — on this little strip of teeny tiny Craven Road. It just might not fit the category, so we're going to see.'"

The CBC video mentions that the dispute started last year when a Parkmount resident, seeking to build a garden suite, "filed an application for a minor variance the City denied. But after the homeowner appealed the decision, some Craven residents rallied together to hire a lawyer to help fight it." 

The original application was reviewed "as a garden suite rather than a laneway suite because none of the surrounding streets meet the definition of a laneway." Even though Craven Road is very narrow, it is in fact technically a city street. The City planner notes, "If this had been a laneway suite, the variances the resident was asking for would have been considered minor. 

However, according to the Committee of Adjustment hearing recording and its Notice of Decision, the application was denied because "In the opinion of the Committee, the variance(s) are not minor.

The rules say "a garden suite could be two-storeys depending on your site, provided it complies with the height, setback, separation distance, and angular plane requirements." But the Parkmount plan was asking for major exemptions from seven different requirements. 

Garden suite guidelines from the Community Consultation Meeting presentation

The committee noted in the hearing that the proposal was too large for the lot, it had zero setback from the lot line on Craven Road, and the angular plane was not respected, making it in effect "a big box right up to the lot line, [so] that people" across the very narrow Craven Road "are literally going to be staring into a wall."

As these design factors placed an "unacceptable burden" and "particular negative impact on the existing residences," the application was refused. 

The garden suite bylaw was introduced so designs that conform to the guidelines would be approved "as of right, meaning no re-zonings or lengthy Committee of Adjustment appeals." But it's not surprising that some homeowners will push for the maximum variances they can get away with. While the extra paperwork and attendance at Committee of Adjustment hearings is not onerous for that individual homeowner, if multiple projects along the street all want to push the envelope, the work quickly piles up for any neighbours seeking to push back. 

The Craven residents who hired the lawyer to help them organize their argument in this case guessed this wouldn't be the last attempt to build an inappropriately-designed and oversized garden suite on the street.  They asked Councillor Fletcher what could be done to avoid having to keep fighting such requests for variances one-by-one in perpetuity. 

Fletcher then requested a report from Toronto's City Planning office on "the history and classification of Craven Road, and options to remove Craven Road from as-of-right planning permissions for garden suites due to the nature of the road." 

On Sept. 19th, those planners held a community consultation, starting with a helpful, in-depth slideshow by Alexa Legge explaining the background and planning framework for the proposed amendment. They then invited feedback. 

In the words of the Toronto Star way back in 1911, "It was a stormy, roily meeting." Most of the folks who spoke were opposed to the amendment, often angrily so, which could explain why few Craven residents stepped up to speak in favour. 

Arguments against included: that this was a slippery slope and soon every street in Toronto would want an exemption, that this was a waste of City staff’s time, that Craven was not actually unique, that the opposition was motivated by racism, that studies should have been done before targeting a constituency like Parkmount, that the opposition might be motivated by personal grievance, that plenty of streets in Europe or Japan have higher density, that the older generation was hogging land and young people are frustrated, that there is racial discrimination in the planning process, that any exemption is unjustifiable in a housing crisis, and that the garages on the west side look like they might fall apart any day, so why not replace them with homes?  

Councillor Fletcher then gave closing remarks. She mentioned that the whole process had been triggered by the Committee of Adjustment (CoA) and the Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB), with the hope that there might be some way to adjust these as-of-right permissions to make sure that their setback could be better than 1.5m. She explained that through-lots like these were being studied in a few other locations around the city, to see what it means to have any kind of suite in those situations. 

She also asked the planning staff to research what the price point is for laneway and garden suites, noting there is no requirement for any of them to be affordable. (This Storeys article does some math and quotes Councillor Gord Perks: "If you look at the kind of rents currently charged in laneway and garden suites, they are not what anyone would call affordable rents. These are very boutique and high-end rental units.") 

No one is arguing that they aren't a great opportunity to add housing overall, Fletcher concluded. It's just a question of what's appropriate for little, odd streets like this one. Can we find a sweet spot? Is there some way to adjust this that would work for everybody on these streets? 

The next step is for City planning staff to prepare a report for Community Council before a statutory public meeting on Oct. 24th. [Update: This looks likely to change. See Sept. 27 post, "Thoroughly Modern Through-Lots"] 

Anyone wanting to submit a letter can email at the Community Planning office. Once the meeting recording, staff report, and instructions on how to participate at Community Council are available, I'll add those here as well.

My own feeling coming out of the meeting is that there must be a way to find a compromise that works for everyone. I don't believe this needs to be a zero-sum game, as much as it looks that way right now. 

In fact, I wonder whether we could turn the situation into an opportunity to find a Craven-specific solution that enhances the uniqueness of the road while allowing more "gentle density" and improving the neighbourhood for all concerned...
